Wednesday, September 30, 2009

People are toxic!!

I have lived in my home since 1993. When I found the place, I found the charm of the place was the land and the isolation. Coming from Indianapolis, I was used to city living. I missed the sounds of the city from firetrucks, traffic and screaming kids and the one thing I remember the most is the street sweeper that passed under my window at exactly 3 am every morning. I lived downtown so I enjoyed the fountains, tall buildings and people watching.

When I moved here it was the difference of night and day. When it got dark, it was really dark. The first six months I would have every light in the house one because you never know what might happen. Eventually, I got used to it and even enjoyed being outside in the seclusion and darkness. I could look at the sky and watch the stars which seemed so close, I could reach up and grab them. At night, it was a whole new world. I am serenaded by a symphony from the creatures of the night with the whippoorwill as the star attraction. I know what true peace is.

The downfall of living in the country is people. Since I started school, I have gotten sick more times than I have in my life. This week I have a bug that is not pleasant. On campus, there are what 50,000 people and being around them, they pass their germs along to everyone around. For me, I have been protected by my seclusion. So now, I carry bottles of disinfectant with me and hope the people that are sick are staying home.

I love my home and enjoy the seclusion. Meanwhile, in my pursuit of my degree I will have to just deal with the inconvenience even though it is unpleasant. Whether sick or well, I still have the music of the night to help me through any problems or discomfort and most of all the peacefulness of my environment. The moral of this story is when possible, stay away from people but when worse comes to worse, take a minute to listen to the music and everything else just seems minute.

1 comment:

  1. The moral of the story when possible, stay away from people. That line is absolutely awesome, I love it. That aside, there is a need to not be secluded. Other people make life livable, at least for me. Conversation is necessary to pass time and make life more enjoyable and while you can do it here, online, its just not the same. I liked your post and the disinfectant spray its a good idea since flu season is coming.
